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  Industrial Division

Grupo Iberpapel has a pulp plant and a paper plant at its Papelera Guipuzcoana de Zicuñaga facility in Hernani (Spain).

Pulp production commences with the delivery of debarked lumber, which is cooked in a continuous process in the pulp plant to produce bleached pulp. The paper plant uses the pulp to produce the range of products that the Iberpapel Group supplies in the market.

The factory is certified to the ISO 9001 quality standard and the ISO 14001 environmental standard.

ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Papelera Guipuzcoana de Ziñuaga

In order to reconcile its operational efficiency and environmental conservation and bearing in mind the growing social concern for conserving and improving our environment that ensures a sustainable future for our community and within the context of the demands of environmental legislation, PAPELERA GUIPUZCOANA DE ZICUÑAGA, S.A.

UNDERTAKES, in the performance of its industrial operations, to
  • Respect the environment, making rational use of its natural resources and taking measures against the pollution deriving from its industrial operations processes.

  • Promote the sustainable use of raw materials and natural resources by using clean technologies and reducing waste and through recycling, recovery and reutilisation.

  • Introducing on-going improvement guidelines for its environmental conduct, which minimise and prevent the environmental impact.

  • Comply with current environmental legislation and other voluntarily accepted commitments and participate in the development of reasonable and efficient environmental standards to improve the environment.

  • Promote, through on-going training, the individual and collective involvement of all its employees and enhance their awareness of the impact of their work on the environment.

  • Collaborate with the competent Authorities and Bodies.

  • Develop environmental programs, setting out objectives and aims, evidencing the environmental successes of PAPELERA GUIPUZCOANA DE ZICUÑAGA, S.A.

  • Communicate and report its environmental management activities in accordance with standard ISO 14.001, and deliver the Company’s Environmental Policy to whoever asks for it.

  • Implement and maintain the requirements of a Chain of Custody for our processes, the purpose of which is to promote sustainable forestry management, in accordance with both legislative document Schedule IV of the PEFC, and Standard FSC for the certification of the Chain of Custody, FSC-STD-40-004 and FSC-STD-40- 005.

  • Avoid trading in and purchasing timber that has been extracted unlawfully or in violation of traditional and civil rights; taken from forests, the significant conservation value of which is threatened by manipulation or which are being turned into or used as non-forestry plantations or forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.

Management undertakes to devote the necessary means to the attainment of the objectives set and asks all company personnel for their help in contributing with their work to the conservation and improvement of our natural environment.

Download Environmental Policy of Papelera Guipuzcoana de Ziñuaga